Donate To

Donate to help keep Knuckleheads and associated services in the air.

Using this page, you can donate an optional amount via PayPal to aid in keeping our site up or to add to the prize pool of competitions.

We have chosen not to show annoying ads to fund our website, instead we accept donations to give some of the income ads would have given. You will never see an advertisement on our site that yield us money.

We are strictly not-for-profit, and the base goal is to keep the site physically available on the internet. Any donations besides that will go into a prize pool, for things like gametime in competitions, events or drawings. All development on, content adding to, and management of, the site is on our own time, and donations does not go towards this.


Here is a collection of answers to common questions and concerns. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us

What is my donation used for?

Your donation is used to cover the hosting and domain costs associated with and domains and map server. Secondly to a prize pool to competitions, events and drawings (such as gametime, tokens or similar)

How much is your expenses?

The costs to keep our services running is approximately $150/yr everything included. This is our base goal, any donations made beyond this will be used for prizes for competitions, events or drawings.

How will i know you not just putting the profit in Your own pocket?

Money donated will be kept track of, and donations will be used exclusively to expenses to keep the site and/or specificed domains physically available on the internet, or to cover expenses for prizes for competitions, events or drawings when the expenses have been covered. We can assure you that we are not collecting donations for pocket money. If you still have concerns that your donation is being used inappropiately; Please contact us and we may be able to ease your concerns.

Donate an amount

Please use the link on top of the page to donate.

Thank you for (considering) donating!
The Knuckleheads