EM Program August 2016 |
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Author: | Siward [ 16 Aug 2016, 20:48 ] |
Post subject: | EM Program August 2016 |
Dear Drachenfelsians, today I can inform you about the program for the month of August. Like always, all events are starting at 8:30pm CEST (UTC+2), meeting point is the Counselor’s Guild Hall in Britain, Trammel. Any difference from that will be noted. Gates will always be provided from WBB, New Haven and Luna. August 2016 – Month of the Fisher Throughout whole of August, a fishing competition takes place. Desired fishes are: Large Fish, Red Herring and Mud Puppy. Those can be captured and delivered to the mailbox at the EM Reward Museum. The month of the catch must state August 2016. Ideally, the fish are also heavier than those in the museum! The three winners with the most heavy fish will receive a named plaque in the EM Museum. Tuesday 16th – Main HoF (RP) Event: Falling Stars, Castle Blackthorn Sunday 21st – Main Event: The Tree of You Sunday 28th – Royal Audience & HoF (RP) Mission, Castle Blackthorn Tuesday 30th – HoF (RP) Mini Event: Game Night, Luna Fairegrounds If you have pictures from former/older events, and you think they fit into the mail them to me. Thanks! EM Lyraa |
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