This is where we will be discussing our
Imbue Calculator.
It is currently under development, and as I haven't got that much experience with java programming, it may not be fast progress. There are many features planned for this project however. To name a few:
- A database over every item, so you can get actual resistances and leeches based on weapon speed.
- Imbued items datase where you can submit your imbued projects and collect data with an ID.
- The ability to create an entire suit to see combined mods.
Change Log:(Most Recent First) - [10-24-10] Added materials diplay for each property and total amount needed.
- [10-24-10] Fixed some minor bugs.
- [09-17-10] Updated UI
- [04-30-10] Fixed a few issues regarding intensity increase/decrease.
- [04-28-10] Minor cosmetic style adaptation to the form elements implemented.
- [04-26-10] Optimized Welcome page
- [04-26-10] Added Known Issues and Description of coming Features to Welcome page
I'm sure there are many errors to be found still, so please be patient and report any you may find here, so I can try to address them.
I hope you find this tool useful and that it may ease some of your imbuing jobs.
Keep checking here for new updates!
Any suggestions are welcomed. Got a good idea for a feature, then leave a post here and I will get back to you!
- Steph